Brothers to Sisters is an ongoing series of works by Nils Agdler and Timo Menke, originally produced in collaboration with the Porin Mies-Laulu male choirs for the show Donor Portraits at Pori Art Museum. Drawing on the conventions of male choir singing, the project features the Vaarinlaulu senior citizen choir’s performance of Schubert’s (1797–1828) Holy Is the Lord, a song commonly performed at funerals, and another performance, a choir version of Annie Lennox’s and D. A. Stewart’s Sisters Are Doin’ it for Themselves (1985) by the Välimiehet choir of younger men. Both songs are emblematic of resignation: the older generation is preparing to step aside, while the younger male generation reflects changes in gender roles and masculinity, insofar as the paragon of masculinity has been the role of the man as the family’s breadwinner.
Brothers to Sisters should be considered as a growing body of work, building up a series of vocal and local versions of songs related to gender issues, staged and performed by Nordic or other international choirs. The project at large aims for situational events by being invited, hosted and supported by local museums or art spaces, and produced in contact with local choirs or communities.
Nils Agdler & Timo Menke: Välimiehet Performing “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” (2018, 3 min)
Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves (1985)
A. Lennox, D.A. Stewart
Porin Mies-Laulun Välimiehet/ Välimiehet choir of the Porin Mies-Laulu
Aleksi Sippola, 1. tenori
Janne Metelinen, 1. tenori
Antti Leskelä, 2. tenori
Jani Peltonen, 2. tenori
Guido Ausmaa, 1. basso
Mikko Nuorsaari, 1. basso
Johannes Tiusanen, 2. basso
Ismo Raitakari, 2. basso
Teemu Keto, hi-hat sound
Kuoron harjoitus/ Rehearsal of the choir: Harri Keto & Guido Ausmaa
Nils Agdler & Timo Menke: Vaarinlaulu Performing “Pyhä on Herra” (2018, 3 min)
Schubert, Franz Peter (1797 – 1828)
Pyhä On Herra (Heilig ist der Herr)
Tuntematon suomentaja (Finnish translator unknown)
Porin Mies-Laulun seniorikuoro Vaarinlaulu / Senior choir Vaarinlaulu of the Porin Mies-Laulu
Pekka Tiusanen, 1. tenori
Jukka Vanhatalo, 1. tenori
Veikko Aalto, 2. tenori
Seppo Ahokas, 2. tenori
Hannu Mäkelä, 1. basso
Jorma Pätynen, 1.basso
Taisto Ristimäki, 2. basso
Kari Viljanen, 2. basso
Kuoron harjoitus/ Rehearsal of the choir: Harri Keto