Cogito ergo Pisum is an open-ended project started in 2018, making a case for more-than-plant/less-than-human encounters and other symbiotic relationships between species.
In progress, ongoing and finished projects
Horizontal Transfer
Projektet med det övergripande arbetsnamnet Horizontal Transfer utgör en växande flora av transdisciplinära experiment, materiella undersökningar och konstnärliga processer som kretsar kring nya sätt att tänka, göra och bli med andra livsformer. I fokus står transgena utbyten och symbiotiska artöverskridanden av det förment mänskliga till icke- och mer-än-mänskliga varelser – på en gång begär efter,
The Double Nature of Culture (Work in Progress)
Horizontal transfer In my practice photographic and moving images have operated as a medium connected to issues of (self)representation and observation, investigating (in)visible power relations in narrative formats. Throughout several projects the symbolic, bio-political, social, economic and cultural aspects of donation have been at the core of my interest. The interdisciplinary relation between art and
Trans-Siberian Artist Residency: Anthropological Research
Hey Irishka! Found a minute to write you a letter. My life here is perfect, I don’t even want to leave.* *(an unsigned letter found in the house on the hill) The project takes the theme of the 6th Moscow Biennial, Eurasia, to a new, almost physical level: artists will cross this continent with the
deCODE doNATION (in Progress)
Mapping the involuntary donation of human DNA in Iceland A donation is a gift in every sense of the word, often regarded as a selfless good and expected to be voluntary, for free and anonymous, although it may raise various ethical, existential and even economical questions. In the residency research project deCODE doNATION at SIM
Gifted Men
The three-channel film installation Gifted Men (2015, 67 min) deals with the commercial distribution of semen in Denmark from the perspective of anonymous donors. Gifted Men is the result of a multidisciplinary research-based artistic project on donation practices.