Gifted Men: Dealing with Anonymous Sperm Donation

Documentation from Timo Menke’s and Nils Agdler’s presentation at the conference Aesthetics, Ethics and Biopolitics of the Posthuman at Aarhus university in Denmark, 10-11 December 2015. Short excerpts from the film installation Gifted Men were presented alongside notions of posthuman donation and issues of masculinity, connected to the project.

An abstract of the presentation Donation as posthuman After Work is available in the conference session schedule published at (page 17). Send me a note for a preview copy of the presentation.
Donation as posthuman “after work”. Work(s) ethics, aesthetics and economics from a donation perspective

Shows and Screenings

Title Venue Country From To
Aesthetics, Ethics and Biopolitics of the Posthuman “link” Aarhus University Denmark 2015-12-10 2015-12-11