The term Cyan is derived from the Ancient Greek kyanos, meaning “dark blue” colour which phenomenologically appears as a greenish vibrant hue of blue. Similar borderline terms are blue green, aqua, and turquoise. The color cyan with its typical green-blue color, as well as connected substances, organisms and techniques are the central starting point. Cyan
Pandemic Guided Tour – Offspring Sätrakogen
Pandemic Guided Tour is developed as a performative art walk along selected works of art, in response to the restrictions during the covid-19 quarantine in most museums, eventually leading to virtual views online.
Arts in the pandemic, the pandemic as Art
A playback reading performance on the viral conditions of cultural production during quarantine, and how the pandemic infects, transforms and mutates society, politics and culture, featuring a pandemic pan flute soundtrack.
Dark Islanders (Short film)
Dark Islanders is the single-channel and voice-over short film version of Dark Optics & Thick Film (Installation).
Liquid Crystal Effects
Liquid Crystals serve as both material, medium and method – the critical lens through which I investigated the former Långban mining and cultural village in Eastern Värmland in Sweden.
Cogito ergo Pisum
Cogito ergo Pisum is an open-ended project started in 2018, making a case for more-than-plant/less-than-human encounters and other symbiotic relationships between species.
Brothers to Sisters
Brothers to Sisters is an ongoing series of choir works, initially produced in collaboration with the Porin Mies-Laulu male choirs in Pori, Finland. A male choir version of Annie Lennox’s and D. A. Stewart’s Sisters Are Doin’ it for Themselves (1985) is performed by the Välimiehet choir: the younger male generation reflects changes in gender roles and masculinity, insofar as the paragon of masculinity has been the role of the man as the family’s breadwinner.