The term Cyan is derived from the Ancient Greek kyanos, meaning “dark blue” colour which phenomenologically appears as a greenish vibrant hue of blue. Similar borderline terms are blue green, aqua, and turquoise. The color cyan with its typical green-blue color, as well as connected substances, organisms and techniques are the central starting point. Cyan emerges in photochemical and photosynthetic processes surrounding and imaging us: the CMYK colour space, cyanide poison, cyanobacteria, and cyanotypes are some of the building blocks, simultaneously natural and unnatural, toxic and vital, additive and subtractive. Developing toxic methodologies and discourses to collect, map and reflect on the eternal, paternal and monumental effects of cyan/cyanide and their genesis are integral to the project.
Researched with a dark holistic approach, matter, method and medium are conceptually integrated and intrinsic to each other and can give rise to a critical mass of dark holistic and cyanotopic worlding – a holism of language, phenomena, and matter.